Woke up early...lonely in my bed with my daughter so so far away from me..
...another Tuesday...feeling lonely...rain pouring down my window...east coast Sweden...
Get my nude ass up...pouring down a protein shake...wash my teeth...
Put on those brown and black baggy Gasp pants...a dark blue XXXL top and my
red phat farm boots..and a beenie on my shaved head...
Get out to my phat Dodge Magnum...sit down and put on the stereo...
Slim thugs album Boss of all bosses banging my speakers as I drive down to the gym...
Get in...down the stairs...empty...to early for most people I guess...but not for me...
Nah...I have no girlfriend...no life....and not my child this week...
It`s just me and the iron..all alone...put on 300kg on the Hammer leg press...
Fuck warm-ups...4 sets...8-10 reps...then hack squats...not even counting the weights...why bother?
I just bang out rep after rep...until my lungs scream..lactic acid build-up in my legs...
Blood flowing...feeling alive..then I sit down doing some extenssions...10 reps..
...then Im out! Legs so pumped I can barely walk...
...still alot of time until I open the shop...
I undress and put myself into the tanning booth...
Im single a have to stay hot looking...;)...
A quick shower...then a walk across the street to my shop...
Another day at work...selling the best supplements ONLY...playing some music on Spotify...
...writing this piece...then a cigar on my balcony tonight with my homeboy Andreas...
...the guy with the steel leg the guts from hell and all those bad ass tatts...
Were solving some world problems together before calling it a night...
Another lonely night again...dreaming of HER...
another day gone in the life of the iron thug...