Det finns ascoola politiker! More power to people like Jimmy Mcmillian! This world need more no bullshit people like this!!

No more side deals with Satan...
These days I`m dealin`with the maker...straight up!
I did some things in the past that if I could I would take èm back...
But that was then & theres really no reason to speak on it...
Thats why I have so many early morning workouts at the gym...
I can`t sleep on it...
I put my hands together..bow my head & ask for forgivness...
Might not get it..but I will keep on fighting for it like a motherfucker...
Prayers are what kept me here...
They kept me alive when the bullets cut the air...
When the ones close to my heart fucked me over...
...when my homiez died on me...
...when my mothers cancer came back for the third time...uncurable...
Prayers are like medicine that can heal all wounds and make miracles...
Like Tattoos for forgivness...& protection...
Crosses...thats what Im gettin`...
I put the cigar in the air!
I close my eyes...bow my head...& pray!
God keep us alive...keep us here a while longer...
So we get a chance to try to make things right...
Please bless our familys and everyone we love...
Fuck...even bless our enemys when were at it...
...cuz I guess they are part of the game too...
Put your hands together bow your heads...

No more side deals with Satan...
These days I`m dealin`with the maker...straight up!
This one came to me in a dream... Almost like a revelation!
I just had to get this one done...FAST!
My girls always sleeps on my arm & they need to be maximum protected..
...inside out...on ALL levells!
+ Its a sign of forgivness & the new improved me...
being slow since the beginning of the world wide ressesion!
Seems like people finnaly are buying top notch supplements again
& skippin`the bullshit junk sold on the net!
I keep my fingers crossed that the much better finacial times are here to stay!

So the 22" s are still spinning & I`m riding in STYLE when travelling
those six hours every Saturday to take home & leave my daughter!
I also have the BEST & HOTEST woman in the world at my side
these days & I tell yall that this lady is spoiling me big time on all levells!
For example once again I have a good omelette for lunch here
at work that she cooked for me!

So ooh yes...Life is all good!

Age is not something I dwell about but as I recently been meeting
some people from the past I realize how much most people do!
It amazes me that people tend to care so much about how many years they have
been walking on this planet & putting limits on them selfes because of it!
To me this thing we call life is not about time but experience!
A great example of that i my Johanna whos 18 years younger than me
but most of the time actually feels older and more mature
than me cuz all the things shes been thru!
And it amaze me that people put all these limits on themselfes
about all the things they cant do anymore becauze of what other people
are thinking as me myself actually find that I have
more of that kick ass energy both in the gym and for life
now in my 40's then I had in my 20`s!
Maybe its because by my 40's I have been through
enough shit to put it all in perspective?....
Maybe its because Ive seen guys my age who stopped working out
giving up on their bod and look like 60 while I feel better
physiqually today than I did in my 20`s?!
Or maybe I just buried too many friends before
they got to 40 and say fuck, I ain't going down easy!
Or as my good friend Palle once told me:
Zone you are one of those guys who never will stop living and be old...
You will always stay the same...until you just drop dead one day!
I guess greed must be the most common sin out there...
Atleast in these times...
Lately Ive seen it in the last of places I would think it would dwell...
I`ve seen close people that I think higher of & who I love
do anything for the green even if it means ruining
relationships within both bloodbands & friendships...
Why do so many people have this realationship with money anyway?
Sure money makes the world go round & who hasnt dreamt about
winning the lottery or making that big deal?
I guess we all have done that at one time or another...
But really...will acting like these people do really
make them happy in the long run?
I really don`t think so...
I had some rough times myself when it comes to money
when the ressesion hit us that almost made me loose
the Zone shop after 20 years in the iron business...
I even had thoughts of crossing the line &
do some shit outside the law to save it...
Almost worse than that I had thoughts of loosing my self
& sell some things I didnt belive in...
Yes I had thoughts of selling my soul to make it thru...
But in those times....when you are up against the wall...
...thats when you will find out who you really are...
Thats when you have to chose who you wanna`be
& whats worth the most in life...
In the end I chose to be one of the good guys...
I chose to keep my guns burried deep in the ground & to stay on
the right side of the law & to work harder than ever to stay true
to myself & my loved once & gut it thru!
I stuck to what I belived in & I put my trust in my true core of friends
& today I`m back running the Zone shop with success!!
Ive made a promiss to myself that I will NEVER be like "them"
who stumble over bodies to make money...
I promissed myself to NEVER be one of them so addicted to material things
that they have to loose their soul for things that with time won`t mean shit...
Cuz over time cars will rust and all material things will brake & fade away...
Remember whats important in life...
Appriciate the love, support & friendships you have
because in the end that is all that matters...
Money can`t buy you love...
I walked into my car the other day & it just hit me...
There I was surounded by two ton of high-tech steel!
I was sitting in this incredible powerfull piece of machine
thats been taken thousands and thousands of years for mankind to develope!
A machine so beautifull and powerfully equiped that it can take me to places
in just short hours that would othervise take me days or even weeks to walk!
I realized that most people take most in life for granted...
I don`t do that... Actually I never did...
I realized a long time ago that I`m blessed just being
alive & sourunded by all these...well...miracles...
I then started to think of the love souronding me...
Suddenly I almost could see it like an halo around my very being...
The love for my child, my girlfriend, my mother and my family and friends...
...and how lost I would be without them...
I realized how blessed I am...just to be able to be be sitting there
in my incredible car on the way down to the gym to train my body...
How blessed I really am to be able to walk down those stair to that dungeon
and to be able to lift those barbells and dumbells in my own
private and endless war with the iron!
I looked down to my body...
A body that my soul attached to 44 years ago that I then
with the will of that soul with allot of effort developed into what it is today...
...almost 100kg tatted up slabs of meat and veins...
A body I feel comfortable in...that reflects my soul...
A piece of art that my soul manifest itself through...
How blessed I am to be able to develope the body what God gave me
into something else...something more...
And I realized that this thing we call bodybuilding is really something...
Lookin` out of the window of my old Zone shop…
My phat Dodge Magnums 22” rims shine on the street outside the store…
I`m thinkin` to myself that even though times are tough financially for all of us I guess I`m going thru the recession in style…
Yes my 2000:- Gasp jeans may be trashed and a bit ragged and I sometimes have to flip every motherfuckin` dime to get thru the day… and even though I would like to be able to spoil my child and my girl a bit more the old Zone shop still AFTER 20 YEARS put food on my table… and as long I can pay my bills and eat I should be happy!
The Games new album Murda` games chronicles bangin` my speakers here at the office and I`m feeling better that I’ve done in a long time even though the flu kept me away from the gym for 10 days now…
Pig flu? I don’t know… but the coughing been keeping me awake for the last three nights…
But fuck it… sleep is overrated anyway and besides the coughing I guess that bad ass blond sleeping in my bed also have something to do with the lack of sleep so I really can`t complain can I? Naaah I`m ALL good and I will do EVERYTHING I can to hold on to this feeling cuz It`s been a looong time since I felt this good!
It started in my early 20`s…my war with the weights…. At the very first time I touched the weights the fascination for strength and mass just swallowed me whole! The plates and weights we had in that old rough dirty gym I started out at was rusty and came in all different shapes and sizes, the one bench we had was home made and all beat up. I remember cracking those raw egg whites and drinking them by the gallons after the sessions. Yeah that was some old school hardcore shit. But boy did I grow back then or what?! Those where the days when I laid my foundation in this game. Not only physically, but mentally as well. To this day I`m in heaven when I walk in to a dirty old gym that reminds me of my past and I shake my head in frustration when some young pretty boy complains that a machine at the gym aren’t perfectly oiled or that he’s favorite protein powder don’t come in strawberry flavor! To me this is a war… Yeah I`m truly in war with the weights and a war was never meant to be pretty and comfortable! Building muscle hurt and that’s the way it supposed to be!
Life is only temporary… Nah were not here to stay.
You’re born weak and if something don’t kill you along the way you will die weak too. But we can’t dwell on negative thoughts like that. It`s right here and right now that counts. It`s what you do now that make a difference and that will make your mark in history. So bite the bullet and grind out those last reps and always make sure you make the best out of everything you got. NOW! Not tomorrow cuz tomorrow is never promised. It`s not that complicated really… just breath, lift and ignore the pain. Become the weight and realize that the heavier weights you lift the heavier you will become yourself. Become the best YOU can be! You just have to do what it takes! It`s all up to yourself buddy. Become that dream!

Woke up early...lonely in my bed with my daughter so so far away from me..
...another Tuesday...feeling lonely...rain pouring down my window...east coast Sweden...
Get my nude ass up...pouring down a protein shake...wash my teeth...
Put on those brown and black baggy Gasp pants...a dark blue XXXL top and my
red phat farm boots..and a beenie on my shaved head...
Get out to my phat Dodge Magnum...sit down and put on the stereo...
Slim thugs album Boss of all bosses banging my speakers as I drive down to the gym...
Get in...down the early for most people I guess...but not for me...
Nah...I have no life....and not my child this week...
It`s just me and the iron..all alone...put on 300kg on the Hammer leg press...
Fuck warm-ups...4 sets...8-10 reps...then hack squats...not even counting the weights...why bother?
I just bang out rep after rep...until my lungs scream..lactic acid build-up in my legs...
Blood flowing...feeling alive..then I sit down doing some extenssions...10 reps..
...then Im out! Legs so pumped I can barely walk...
...still alot of time until I open the shop...
I undress and put myself into the tanning booth...
Im single a have to stay hot looking...;)...
A quick shower...then a walk across the street to my shop...
Another day at work...selling the best supplements ONLY...playing some music on Spotify...
...writing this piece...then a cigar on my balcony tonight with my homeboy Andreas...
...the guy with the steel leg the guts from hell and all those bad ass tatts...
Were solving some world problems together before calling it a night...
Another lonely night again...dreaming of HER...
another day gone in the life of the iron thug...

Jag är ibland FÖR djup och en FÖR MYCKET tänkare...
Så ibland...ibland...är det soft att bara släppa allt och verkligen låtsas att livet är en film!
Small things like these GADGETS kan verkligen hjälpa till att spica upp vardagen med! Lil` everyday things that makes life a lil`bit cooler and make ya feel like a G! Som mitt knogjärns bätes spänne som jag har som nyckelring för att den ser sååå elak ut när den hänger i bilen när jag kör (LOL!)...min feta Brietling...min dödskalle ring som jag fick av min mamma..en fet exclusive cigar samt en matchande tändare som ser ut som en liten pistol! Stuff like that can make my day och jag känner mig rätt ofta som VIN med muskler! Min film e cool baby! Wanna`join?

Just nu så tränar jag inte för någon tävling....
Vill bara se ok ut för min egen skull & ofcourse to look like a cartoon hero..LOL!
I`m training freestyle...
Inget träningsprogram...inga speciella sets eller reps...NAAH...
JAG ÄR EN KONSTNÄR och tränar helt på kännsla!
Jag ser ok ut...ingen tävlings form men ok...

In this cellphone pic taken a couple of days ago I`m 95kg...
Jag är nog lite hårdare än det ser ut på bilden dock...
Hade ätit ett par MAX mål ett par dagar där...LOL!
Jag leker med tanken att dra ner mig 5-6kg...
Ett par fotografer har frågat om dom får fota mig så...
Maybe I will do it & take some pics just for the hell of it...
What do ya guys think?

Another lonely night at my balcony...
Just me and a cigar...
At this very moment in time and with my daughter at her mothers place
six hours away from me I do feel kinda`lonely...
Could need some lovin`here... Or atleast a friend to talk to..
It`s not always easy to live by your heart...
Not always easy to stay true to yourself and at the same time the once around you...
But I`m still keeping my head high...
...still feeling the strenght inside myself...
...still beliving in me & still beliving in true love...
...and still beliving that theres a reason to everything in life...
Good and bad...
And good things are coming...I can feel it deep inside!!!

Min Brietling och en kubansk cigarr...another lonely night at the top...

Just one block...that's how far I live from the gym...
Still I always have a hard time getting home after an all out leg session...
But thats what it takes...fuck the frase "hard gainer"..what the fuck is that anyway?
Did you really think it would be easy to look like a something out of a
cartoon book when you was born skinny?
I never ever take anything for granted in life & everything I have Ive been
working hard to get...& you know what...I like it that way!
Im glad that Im not one of those pretty boys playing pingpong at the gym
while party all night long & getting their food on the table from mom!
They dont know shit about life..fact is they dont know shit about anything!
I train hard & I train before the sun gets up...when the lazy people are still in bed!
Cuz life to me is a freak show & I never ever wanna be one of the ordinary fat soft
middle age men who did grow soft, who lost their warrior spirits & died inside!
I never wanna be one of èm suckers looking at me as Im from another planet
cuz I dont look &/or act like they do!
Lifes short so Im intend to live it to the fullest & Im here to live it my way!
Hell yeah...Im a warrior & I still got alot of battles left inside me!
Men jag har alltid sett mig som en av the good guys och jag försöker verkligen göra rätt trotts alla fel jag gör i mitt liv...
Jag har ett ofta för mjukt hjärta och en babe sa en gång till mig:
Zone du är fysiskt en mördarhund som inte fattat det utan tror du är en knä hund!
Anyway...jag tror på karma och jag tror på gud...
Så visst vore det nått om Zone Capone blev pastor och åkte runt the rock-star way and spread the word!
Ni vet riktigt maffigt med gospel och rap musik och med en fet grill i käften!

Father thank you for makin me righteous
and accepted through the blood of Jesus
Because of that I am blessed and highly favored by you
I am the object of your affection
Your favors surround me as a shield
where I will experience great victories and
supernatural turn-arounds and miraculous breakthroughs
in the midst of great impossibilities....
Because of God's favor my enemies cannot triumph over me
I will have honor in the midst of my adversaries
and I will have supernatural increase in promotions
that will declare restoration of everything
that the devil has stolen from me...
Jag tror ju...eller mer än tror...att vi lever flera liv...reinkarneras och utvecklas.. MEN tänk om vi bara har det här livet...right here and more..this is it the bang GAME OVER! Då måste man ju leva livet fullt ut!
Jag har alltid sett hela mitt liv som en film! Jag har konstant scener som spelas upp för mina ögon i min vardag! Yes to me life is a movie! Jag är ofta en action hero...och tankar som dessa poppar konstant upp i mitt medvetande:
Vast superhuman strength & superhuman healing factors...
ZONE's weapon of choice is mostly his personality though...
But he also posesses a few other helpful talents as his virtual indestructibility.
Some says he got a deal with heaven that makes him immortal
after surviving all his injurys & his rough life...Zone himself says his joints hurts though...
Well IF life is a movie don`t be one of the "sideshows" walking around that forgot
that they have the leading role in their own it like a MOVIE STAHHH!!
Det var med det minsettet som jag införskaffade mig my new ride!
Ja visst jag behövde en säker bil då jag pendlar mellan Gävle och Sundsvall med mitt barn varje helg so why not do it in style and ridin`in something made for a cartoon hero like me?!
Fuck it if I aint had the money and thank God for Swedbank! LOL!

Jag har lyckats rätt bra med att fucka upp relationerna med kvinnorna i mitt liv den senaste tiden...
Det fanns en tid då jag trodde att jag var bra på relationer då jag enbart hade lååånga förhållanden bakom mig...
Jag är dock en hopplös romantiker och tror fortfarande på kärleken även om det minst sagt varit krångligt på slutet..
Dock kan ingen ta ifrån mig att jag försöker att vara en bra pappa till min dotter! Att bli pappa är det absolut största som hänt i mitt liv och kärleken till min Trude slår absolut ALLT jag någonsin kännt för en annan varelse! Jag skulle dö för henne utan att tveka en enda sekund och jag är så tacksam för att jag fick precis henne! :) Att jag sedan suttit i familjerätten i månader och att alla sa att pappor alltid förlorat men att slutligen få henne skriven hos mig har gjort att jag aldrig aldrig kommer att ta våran tid ihop för given och jag försöker att ta vara på varje sekund vi är med varandra!

Jag kommer aldrig att bli en förälder som inte ser sitt barn och hon är det absolut viktigaste viktiga i allt!
Theres NOTHING like the love for your child!