Jag tror ju...eller mer än tror...att vi lever flera liv...reinkarneras och utvecklas.. MEN tänk om vi bara har det här livet...right here and more..this is it the bang GAME OVER! Då måste man ju leva livet fullt ut!
Jag har alltid sett hela mitt liv som en film! Jag har konstant scener som spelas upp för mina ögon i min vardag! Yes to me life is a movie! Jag är ofta en action hero...och tankar som dessa poppar konstant upp i mitt medvetande:
Vast superhuman strength & superhuman healing factors...
ZONE's weapon of choice is mostly his personality though...
But he also posesses a few other helpful talents as his virtual indestructibility.
Some says he got a deal with heaven that makes him immortal
after surviving all his injurys & his rough life...Zone himself says his joints hurts though...
Well IF life is a movie don`t be one of the "sideshows" walking around that forgot
that they have the leading role in their own it like a MOVIE STAHHH!!
Det var med det minsettet som jag införskaffade mig my new ride!
Ja visst jag behövde en säker bil då jag pendlar mellan Gävle och Sundsvall med mitt barn varje helg so why not do it in style and ridin`in something made for a cartoon hero like me?!
Fuck it if I aint had the money and thank God for Swedbank! LOL!