I guess greed must be the most common sin out there...
Atleast in these times...
Lately Ive seen it in the last of places I would think it would dwell...
I`ve seen close people that I think higher of & who I love
do anything for the green even if it means ruining
relationships within both bloodbands & friendships...
Why do so many people have this realationship with money anyway?
Sure money makes the world go round & who hasnt dreamt about
winning the lottery or making that big deal?
I guess we all have done that at one time or another...
But really...will acting like these people do really
make them happy in the long run?
I really don`t think so...

I had some rough times myself when it comes to money
when the ressesion hit us that almost made me loose
the Zone shop after 20 years in the iron business...
I even had thoughts of crossing the line &

do some shit outside the law to save it...
Almost worse than that I had thoughts of loosing my self
& sell some things I didnt belive in...
Yes I had thoughts of selling my soul to make it thru...
But in those times....when you are up against the wall...
...thats when you will find out who you really are...
Thats when you have to chose who you wanna`be
& whats worth the most in life...
In the end I chose to be one of the good guys...
I chose to keep my guns burried deep in the ground & to stay on
the right side of the law & to work harder than ever to stay true
to myself & my loved once & gut it thru!
I stuck to what I belived in & I put my trust in my true core of friends
& today I`m back running the Zone shop with success!!

Ive made a promiss to myself that I will NEVER be like "them"
who stumble over bodies to make money...
I promissed myself to NEVER be one of them so addicted to material things
that they have to loose their soul for things that with time won`t mean shit...
Cuz over time cars will rust and all material things will brake & fade away...
Remember whats important in life...
Appriciate the love, support & friendships you have
because in the end that is all that matters...
Money can`t buy you love...


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